‘The Lawyers Have Given Us Hope Again’: Legal Aid for Protection in Europe

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Bacchin, V.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jul 2018
Research, reports and studies
Protection, human rights & security, Forced displacement and migration, Host Communities
Greece, Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

The migratory movement towards Europe through Spain, Italy and Greece is an old phenomenon, with peaks at times of conflict. But the summer of 2015 saw an exponential increase in arrivals, as people transited through Libya to Italy, through Turkey to reach Greece, and from there through the Balkans to continue their quest for safety.

One of Oxfam’s biggest concerns as it has worked to respond to the crisis is that people’s fundamental human rights are not being respected, and that they face obstacles to accessing international protection for a variety of reasons. To address these issues, Oxfam has partnered with organizations in Greece, Italy and the Balkans to provide information and legal aid, and to conduct research and advocacy. This case study evaluates the work of the programme so far, analysing both its successes and challenges.