An Introduction to International Protection - Protecting persons of concern to UNHCR - Self Study Module 1

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Date published
01 Aug 2005
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Protection, human rights & security, Forced displacement and migration

This manual aims to:

- Foster a common understanding of international protection among all UNHCR staff;
- Familiarize UNHCR partners, whether governmental, inter- governmental or non-governmental, with the basic principles of international protection;
- Contribute to the realization of the goals of the Agenda for Protection, which is an initiative between States, NGOs, IGOs and UNHCR, that seeks to enhance the protection of refugees worldwide.

Each of the seven chapters of this manual contains information on one of the main aspects of international protection:
- The development of and responsibility for international protection;
- The legal framework for international protection and its implementation;
- The refugee definition;
- Other persons of concern to UNHCR;
- Flight and access to asylum;
- Standards of treatment;
- Timely and durable solutions.