Cash Alliance’s Food Security and Livelihoods Project in Somalia: Learning, Review, and Impact Assessment

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Thayil, S. et al.
Publication language
Date published
25 Jun 2018
Forcier Consulting
Programme/project reviews
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Drought, Livelihoods

In response to surging food security needs due to the ongoing drought, and pre-famine conditions, five organizations joined together to form the Cash Alliance (CA) with an aim of providing cash support for Somali households affected by drought. This report provides an evaluation of the program.

The Cash Alliance is composed of the Norwegian Refugee Council, the Danish Refugee Council, Save the Children, Concern Worldwide, and Cooperazione Internazionale. It is funded by European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and is currently called the Cash Consortium (referred to as the Cash Alliance throughout the report for consistency).

An evaluation of the Cash Alliance was completed by Forcier Consulting in March and April 2018 in order to measure the success of the program thus far. Quantitative surveys were performed with beneficiaries and qualitative interviews were done with project leads, local authorities, local project staff, and beneficiaries in all three zones of Somalia.