Child Protection Outcome Indicators

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Date published
01 Dec 2012
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Children & youth, Protection, human rights & security
Save the Children

The Menu of Outcome Indicators is a list of indicators organised around pre-designed outcome statements for each child protection priority area.The selected indicators have been pre-tested or used by like-minded organisations, governments and donor agencies. They are designed for country programme staff members who develop and work in child protection programmes.

The Menu of Outcome indicators serves a twofold purpose:
a) Assist country programme teams in the development of relevant monitoring
and evaluation systems at various stages of the project management cycle.
b) Mainstream monitoring of Save the Children child protection work to enable global reporting of progress, particularly around achievement of strategic priorities.

Although the main focus of the Menu of Outcome Indicators is to strengthen work at the project level, this resource can also be used for the development of child protection strategies and their M&E frameworks/plans, as well as new programme proposals.