Emergency market mapping and analysis (EMMA) guidance notes: An outline of the EMMA process plus guidance for slow onset disasters

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Mohiddin, L.
Date published
01 Apr 2012
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Assessment & Analysis, Markets

Since the publication of the EMMA Toolkit in 2010 (Albu, M. 20101), there have been over 25 market assessments using EMMA in over 15 countries (summary table in ANNEX EMMA Introduction). The purpose of these Guidance Notes is to give a condensed overview of the EMMA process by synthesising the key aspects of the 10 analytical steps as laid out in the EMMA Toolkit to harness learning from field experience. In addition, simple guidance on applying EMMA in slow onset disasters is included as field practitioners are now using EMMA in these contexts. The guidance notes do not replace the EMMA Toolkit, therefore, where and when additional information is required the EMMA Toolkit should be referred to (see Contents page for annotation key).