Evaluación de medio término de la Operación Prolongada de Socorro y Recuperación

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Cano, M. G. et al.
Publication language
Date published
01 Mar 2018
Evaluation reports
Capacity development, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Livelihoods

The mid-term decentralized evaluation of the Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 200708 was commissioned by the WFP Colombia Country Office, and covered the period from June 2015 to March 2017. The evaluation aimed at identifying best practices and lessons learned to enable informed decisions on the implementation of cost-effective and efficient activities, contributing to capacity development, livelihoods and resilience building in families and communities. Recommendations informed the implementation of the Country Strategic Plan 2017-2021.

It was intended for both accountability and learning, and focused on assessing: i) the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability of PRRO activities; ii) its results; and iii) the factors explaining the results.

The evaluation analyzed: i) processes related to cooperating partners; ii) beneficiary targeting; iii) decentralized processes and control procedures; iv) local purchases related to CBT, and v) nutritional education trainings. Gender equity and women empowerment were considered throughout the evaluation process. The evaluation, which makes a number of recommendations for the future, was managed by the Colombia Country Office and conducted by a consulting firm, with fieldwork taking place between June and July 2017.