Global Protection Cluster - Independent "Whole of System" Review of Protection in Humanitarian Crises - Terms of Reference

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Date published
23 Apr 2014
Global Protection Cluster
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Coordination, Cluster coordination, Development & humanitarian aid, Protection, human rights & security

In October, 2013, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) agreed to focus on “protection in humanitarian action” as a strategic priority for the period 2014-2016. The decision was motivated in part by the findings and recommendations of the Secretary General’s Internal Review Panel on United Nations Actions in Sri Lanka (IRP Report), and the subsequent development and adoption by the United Nations (UN) of the Rights Up Front Action Plan. The Action Plan emphasizes the imperative for the UN to protect people, wherever they may be, in accordance with their human rights and in a manner that prevents and responds to violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.