Highlights and Ways Forward: A Synopsis of Grand Bargain Signatories’ Achievements and Challenges Implementing their Grand Bargain Workstream 2 Commitments on Localisation

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Date published
18 Jun 2018
Conference, training & meeting documents
Accountability and Participation, Local capacity, System-wide performance

The 2017 Grand Bargain signatory reports on Workstream 2 evidence some encouraging progress on meeting the 6 localisation commitments to provide more support and funding tools for national and local responders. But it is slow and much of the progress is in the initial first steps. 4 signatories did not report anything on this workstream.

The 5 Grand Bargain signatories who are also Charter4Change signatories (CAFOD, Catholic Relief Services, Christian Aid, CARE, Oxfam, and the NEAR Network; a Charter for Change endorser and founding member organisation) have analysed these reports. Below they highlight the achievements and challenges and suggest ideas to move forward in truly implementing a more localised humanitarian system where national and local actors are enabled to play a far more central role than at present.

We highlight 5 examples of good practice from each major signatory group that can be replicated and built upon; we then note 5 continuing challenges; finally, we suggest 5 recommendations that might help to move the localisation agenda forward.