How to Note Context Analysis in Fragile and conflict affected contexts

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Date published
13 Mar 2018
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Assessment & Analysis, Conflict, violence & peace

SDC operates on the basis of a cooperation strategy (CS) in cooperation countries, i.e. in all its branches: Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid, and Cooperation with Eastern Europe (see cooperation strategy guidelines). The starting point for these cooperation strategies is the context analysis and related scenarios anticipating future developments (see separate guidance for scenario development). These forms of analysis are the baseline for regularly context monitoring (see revised MERV guidance) and are relevant for all cooperation countries. With the new Federal Dispatch 2013-16 specific impact objectives (Wirkungsziele) strengthen SDCs commitment to work and stay engaged in conflict affected and fragile contexts. Furthermore, SDC is committed to contribute to the mitigation of root causes of conflicts and fragility, to strengthen state resilience and to improve human rights records. As a consequence, the Implementation Plan “SDC in fragile and conflict affected situation” (adopted by SDC board of directors on June 4th / 18th and reinforced on November 26th, 2012) highlights the importance of context analysis.