Humanitarian Exchange 46: Humanitarian Protection

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Date published
01 Mar 2010
Funding and donors, Protection, human rights & security, Response and recovery
Kenya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Timor-Leste
Humanitarian protection
2 Protection: fig-leaves and other delusions
5 Making space for community-based protection in the humanitarian protection landscape
8 A community-based approach to refugee protection in a protracted refugee situation
10 Exploring the role of community partnerships and empowerment approaches in protection
13 Standards to incorporate protection into humanitarian response: do they work?
16 Community perceptions of ‘protection’ in Kenya and Timor-Leste
19 Protection and early recovery in Timor-Leste
22 International peacekeeping missions and civilian protection mandates: Oxfam’s experiences
25 Protection through partnership: lessons learnt from Pakistan’s displacement crisis
28 Self-protection and survival in south-east Burma
Practice and policy notes
31 Building Haiti back better: health sector lessons from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
33 The uses of adversity: humanitarian principles and reform in the Pakistan displacement crisis
36 Hard lessons for humanitarian financing from Pakistan
39 Integration: recent developments and persistent misperceptions
41 Capacity-building and partnership in Northern Uganda
43 Cash For Work: lessons from northern Afghanistan
45 Preparing humanitarian workers for disaster response: a Red Cross/Red Crescent field training model