Improving Learning Environments Together in Emergencies (ILET) Package

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Alkhaldi Bashir, A.
Publication language
Date published
01 May 2018
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Children & youth, Conflict, violence & peace, Education
Syria, Uganda
Save the Children

ILET is a package using assessments for improving learning environments in humanitarian contexts through community participation. Operationalizing Save the Children’s Quality Learning Framework in emergencies, ILET empowers communities to improve the quality of the learning environment through a data-driven, participatory, sustainable process of planning and implementing School Improvement Plans. Throughout a five-step practical process, ILET offers a set of easy-to-use data collection tools, real-time analysis, and visualization via a user-friendly web-based platform with both mobile and paper data collection features. Collecting data and sharing results with the communities in a timely manner enforces transparency, increases accountability and ownership and stimulates the creation of local solutions.

The ILET package consists of three main pillars:

  • Guidance Documents: the Overview Document, Step by Step Guide, Training Manual (including training handouts + training powerpoint)
  • Data Management: Data Management Platform, Data Management Handbook, Data Collection Tools
  • Program Templates: School Findings Cards, School Improvement Plan Poster, in addition to program management templates such as results framework and budget samples.


Download the complete package here: