Should Resilience-Building Projects (always) Be Socially Acceptable?

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Le Masson, V.
Publication language
Date published
01 May 2018
Research, reports and studies
Development & humanitarian aid, Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Principles & ethics

It is imperative for humanitarian and development projects to be sensitive to and respectful of social norms in contexts where they are implemented. Should this systematically be the case however, when cultural practices are harmful and might undermine resilience outcomes? How do aid agencies deal with their objectives to support people affected by crisis without contradicting local values? Can interventions lead to positive impacts without interfering with social and political issues?

This paper draws on development literature, humanitarian guidelines, and learning from development programmes globally. It also integrates the perspectives of 19 researchers and practitioners working in sectors ranging from emergency nutrition responses to irrigation schemes, peace building and climate change adaptation, with the common objective to enhance the resilience of people affected by crises. These ‘contributing thinkers’ were asked the same question: should resilience-building programmes always be socially acceptable? Their input is weaved throughout the analysis in order to gain insight into people’s lived experiences of (trying) to build resilience.