Statement on United Nations and Humanitarian Community Making Progress in Scaling Up Aid to People in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Date published
05 Apr 2018
Capacity development, Development & humanitarian aid
Democratic Republic of the Congo
United Nations (UN)

In response to the deterioration in the humanitarian situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) over the previous year, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee activated a Level 3 response on 20 October 2017, with a focus on the Kasais, Tanganyika and South Kivu provinces.

This has been effective in mobilizing international capacity to scale up humanitarian support. Since the L3 activation, over 1.1 million people have been successfully reached with life-saving assistance in the Kasais, Tanganyika and the Kivus. The benchmarks established on 20 October 2017 to measure the L3 scale-up have largely been met. The L3 status will accordingly be de-activated on 20 April 2018.