Targeting in Complex Emergencies: Program Guidance Notes

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Maxwell, D. et al.
Publication language
Date published
01 Oct 2009
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Forced displacement and migration, System-wide performance, Targeting, Identification and Profiling
Colombia, Somalia, Sudan

The Program Guidance Notes are the final output from a research project on targeting in complex emergencies that investigated the role of the recipient community in managing and targeting humanitarian assistance in conflict or complex emergencies. Field case studies were conducted in four locations in three countries (Colombia, Somalia and Sudan) and further key informant interviews were conducted with staff of WFP and partner organizations from Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and other locations. 

These Notes represent the synthesized learning from all the research, reviews of documentation, and the experience of the authors with food assistance programs in complex emergencies more broadly. It is presented here as one document with a number of different sections but is written in such a way that the sections in the Main Guidance Notes can be incorporated into other existing program guidance or used as stand alones.