Working for the People of Jordan

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Date published
01 Jul 2018
Factsheets and summaries
Livelihoods, Forced displacement and migration, Host Communities
World Bank

The World Bank Board of Directors approved on July 14, 2016, a new Jordan Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for the period 2017-2022. The CPF aims to help Jordan renew its social contract and promote economic and social inclusion. It promotes an ambitious agenda for growth, jobs and inclusion while helping Jordan address the impact of the Syrian crisis, including through innovative financing tools. The World Bank aims to help Jordan shape new strategies for job creation through inclusive growth and diversification, mobilization of private sector, improved education and safety nets, and creating sustainable livelihoods for vulnerable people.

Developed in close cooperation with various stakeholders, the CPF lays out the main country development goals that the World Bank Group aims to help the country achieve, and proposes a selective program of indicative interventions for this purpose. The CPF builds on the Systematic Country Diagnostic which identifies the most important challenges and opportunities Jordan faces in reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity. This diagnostic is derived from a thorough analysis, and informed by consultations with a wide range of stakeholders