Collaboration and coordination between humanitarians and the private sector

4 March 2015
14:45 - 16:15, GMT +1

The private sector has been an increasingly important stakeholder in the humanitarian system, and its role is recognised not only at global forums but also within crisis-affected countries themselves. Once conceived primarily as prospective donors or providers of in-kind materials, businesses are now understood as having a far broader salience.

This panel took up the issue of private sector engagement in humanitarian action and addressed issues such as: coordination and collaboration between businesses and aid agencies, the role of national enterprises, including SMEs, alongside large multinationals and potential or perceived trade-offs between the fundamental humanitarian principles and collaboration with the private sector.

While addressing risks and tradeoffs, the panel primarily focused on what can be done at the country and field levels to more effectively leverage the capacities of businesses and the wider private sector in order to better serve and protect affected communities.


  • Steve Zyck
    Research Fellow, Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) - ODI


  • Gilles Carbonnier
    Director of Studies, Graduate Institute of International and Developments Studies
  • Kilian Kleinschmidt
    Global Food Security Coordinator, FAO
  • Christine Tokar
    Programme Adviser for West and Central Africa, British Red Cross
