Making the most of Form Design in Remotely Monitored Projects

O'Boyle, N.
Publication language
Date published
28 Oct 2020
How-to / Tutorial / Tips
Data collection tools, Data quality, COVID-19

This resource was originally published on the CartoBlog in 2020 by CartONG. It was transferred to the IM Resource Portal in May 2021. The CartoBlog will be decommissioned in early 2022.

The unexpected arrival of the Covid-19 virus at the start of this year has forced many sectors to adapt their activities and to plan around restrictions which strictly limit travel and social interaction. When data collection processes are remotely managed, there is often a greater reliance on technology to replace some of the quality checks which could otherwise be done in person. The risks to the quality of the data are therefore greater but well-designed forms which make use of the functionality available through ODK-based tools such as Kobo, ONA and SurveyCTO among others can provide reliable and accurate data and allow remotely monitored projects to proceed while minimising as much as possible the risks associated with travelling between different locations. 

Building on CartONG guidance documentation on checklists for mobile data collection and designing forms with data quality in mind, this document provides details of the main approaches which can be taken, through metadata and multimedia capture, to ensure that data collected in a remote context is as accurate and reliable as possible.

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This project was co-funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the H2H Network’s H2H Fund, the latter supported by UK aid from the UK government. Nevertheless, the ideas and opinions presented in this document do not necessarily represent those of the H2H Network, UK aid and AFD.