Mobile-based technology for monitoring & evaluation

Publication language
Date published
03 Oct 2022
Mobile Data Collection, Monitoring

This knowledge product will be a reference guide for using mobile-based technology, and its associated benefits of real-time data sharing and data analysis; thereby enabling organizations, donors and citizens to use Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) data for better implementation and delivery of projects.

The Guide is organized into three sections:

1. Quick Start:
Is mobile-based monitoring and evaluation for you? How to get started?

This section provides brief pointers for researchers, project managers, and donors on the possibilities and applicability of mobile technology to their work; and how to get started with mobile-based monitoring and data collection tools.

2. Mobile Technology:
Options and Opportunities How is mobile technology better than paper survey? What are your choices?

This section explains the various components that make up a mobile-based data collection system; lists their features and functionalities; and provides casestudies that highlight the different ways in which mobile-systems can be applied in the field.

3. Implementing Mobile Technology in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E):
How to roll out a mobile system? What are best practices, dos and don’ts?

This section addresses issues related to implementation–planning time-lines, estimating costs, training field staff, and ensuring data quality and security. Using an in-depth case study, it underscores common practical challenges you are likely to face and offers solutions to minimize these.