Engagement of civil society, agencies and affected people in Syria crisis response

12 March 2014
13:00 - 15:00, GMT +3

Chair: John Mitchell, ALNAP

  1. Feedback mechanisms for urban refugees in a camp setting in Jordan

    Presenter: Rasha Jaradat, Oxfam GB, Jordan

    This presentation is based on a consultation piece carried out to address the concerns of refugees that their voices were not being heard. The consultation was qualitative and included different groups of people within the camp. This together with some innovative work carried out by Oxfam’s public health team has meant that the feedback mechanisms in the camp are in response to the suggestions form the affected population. Some of the protection considerations are also discussed.

  2. Civil Society in Syria: history, current challenges and the future

    Presenter: Marwa Kuwaider, Human Care Syria

    This presentation shares experiences of Human Care Syria, an NGO started by the Syrian diaspora community in the UK. Human Care Syria provides humanitarian support to affected communities in Syria and neighbouring countries, and focuses primarily on child development and livelihoods support and empowerment.

  3. Engagement of Civil Society and affected populations in response to the Syria Crisis

    Presenter: Valentina Stivanello, Syria Crisis Programme Manager, British Red Cross 

    This presentation focuses on how the diaspora is engaged in humanitarian response. They are a significant contributor after a humanitarian crisis and it is important to better understand how they engage with affected people. What lessons that we can learn from them?

  4. Q&A

