Humanitarian Programme: Managing the supply chain

13 November - 1 December 2017
18:45 - 18:45, GMT

Dates: November 13th to December 1st 2017

Location: Lyon, France

Who should attend: Experienced aid workers from humanitarian/development organisations, specifically with previous logistics experience and/or going to hold coordination positions, experienced supply chain managers from other sectors.

Prerequisites: MANDATORY Previous experience in project or programme management. Level of English proficiency: B2 minimum (according to European language levels – Self Assessment Grid)

Objectives: To conduct proactively and efficiently a supply operation, to understand the supply environment and the role of the supply chain in a humanitarian context: Analyse the context, anticipate the needs and put them into a logistics response. Organise, coordinate and follow-up information and equipment flows. Understand humanitarian purchase procedures and their implementation. Implement purchase and negotiation techniques. Identify risks related to purchasing and implement relevant control systems. Understand storage purpose and good warehouse management practices. Organise the physical set-up and administrative management of a warehouse. Implement reliable and adequate transport in regard to context. Communicate, report and build learning around planned and achieved activities.

Fee information:
2000€. More information about funding opportunities:

Further information & application: Bioforce Institute website: