Operational guidance on responsibilities of cluster/sector leads and OCHA in information management

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Date published
04 Dec 2008
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
System-wide performance

Detailed guidance on the cluster approach is provided in the IASC Guidance Note on Using the Cluster
Approach to Strengthen Humanitarian Response, 24 November 2006. The IASC Generic Terms of Reference
for Cluster/Sector Leads at the Country Level includes a requirement that Cluster/Sector leads at country level
ensure “effective information sharing (with OCHA support)”. The following Operational Guidance is intended
for use at the country level to help Cluster/Sector leads, OCHA and humanitarian partners ensure that
relevant information related to a humanitarian emergency is provided to the right person at the right time in a
usable form to facilitate situational understanding and decision-making.
Cluster/Sector leads and OCHA at the country level should aim to ensure that information management (IM)
activities support national information systems, standards, build local capacities and maintain appropriate links
with relevant Government, State and local authorities. Cluster/Sector leads and OCHA should thus seek to
strengthen, not replace or diminish national efforts including those of institutions not part of the Cluster or